Don’t sell your influence short.
Make more!

There is no need to wait for collabs anymore. Choose the brands looking for influencers that interest you and your followers with Tableh.

How it works

Browse available
products & services

Pick the ads for products and services that your followers might be interested in.

Get your personalized
promotional link

Which will take your followers to the relevant sellers pages based on their demographics.

Promote the link on your
social media accounts

Tableh tracks the link throughout the journey of the customer from clicking to conversion and you can access insights with real-time analytics.

Get Paid

Based on the number and quality of traffic coming from your links.

What’s in it
for you?

Get more business

Tableh serves you relevant campaigns to promote while you focus your energy on building high quality audience and followers for your social media accounts.

Increase your earning

By serving relevant ads to your followers by demographics and interests we increase the chances of conversions and hence your earning.

Actionable Insights

Tableh gives you actionable insights to better understand the interests and demographics of your followers. So you can promote relevant products and services to them.

Easier payments

By multiple automated payment methods, tax credits, and withholding.


Influencers can withdraw their earning through jazzcash, easypaisa or their bank account.

No. You can create a single account even if your social media presence is on multiple platforms.

No. You must have minimum of $5 to request a withdrawal.

Yes. You can promote any campaign but it is recommended to promote that campaign which fits best with your audience.

Yes. Tableh offers referral bonus.